OCPIM 4th Quarter Updates (from the Nov. 7 Quarterly Meeting in Cleveland)

Thank you OCPIM members for turning out and networking with us in Cleveland and on the phone for the 4th Quarterly OCPIM Meeting in Cleveland, Ohio. And, as always, the meeting was extremely informational. Here are the PowerPoint presentations and final agenda from the meeting, for your review:









OCPIM Quarterly Meeting on November 7 Announcement

Please take note that the OCPIM Quarterly Meeting scheduled for October 11, 2019 has been moved to Thursday, November 7, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Cleveland Public Auditorium, 500 Lakeside Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. To register, go to https://ocpimquarterlymeeting.eventbrite.com. Meeting room and parking details will be sent in a separate email.

As many of you may already know, the YWCA Greater Cleveland and First Year Cleveland (FYC) will be hosting a two-day summit, 400 Years of Inequity: A Call to Action, November 8-9, from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Cleveland Public Auditorium. The Summit is dedicated to addressing the cumulative disparate impact of how America has managed race and what the overall impact race has on today’s disparities. The event is designed to demonstrate how the inequities in social conditions forced upon slaves and their descendants provide the primary explanation for the racial disparities experienced today and provide an opportunity to come together to address how equity may finally be achieved for all Americans. For more information, go to https://cvent.me/07mge.

Conference planners have graciously offered a discount to OCPIM membership and it is their hope you may consider staying over and attending the summit. Once your OCPIM Quarterly Meeting registration is completed, you will receive an email directing you on how to register and receive the OCPIM discount for the 400 Years of Inequity: A Call to Action Summit.  Use code: OCPIM. 

OCPIM Update (July 2019):

The quarterly OCPIM Meeting (July 19, 2019), a visual session, was well attended with nearly 200 participants on the phone and online. The next meeting will be face-to-face in Cleveland on October 11, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. Location and agenda to be announced.

Co-chairs Dr. Jim Greenberg and Dr. Stacy Scott kicked off the quarterly meeting with introductory remarks and then handed over the reigns to Michelle Edison, OCPIM Northeast Region Co-Lead, for an update on the OCPIM Survey and to Karen Hughes, Program Advisor at the Ohio Perinatal Quality Collaborative and LaTonya McDowdell, Certified Community Health Worker, CLC, Moms2B Program to discuss the development of the Progesterone Messaging Toolkit and the dissemination plan. 

The remainder of the meeting was dedicated to the OCPIM Regional Updates. Click here for highlights:  http://www.baby1stnetwork.org/news/ocpim-quarter-meeting-summary

OCPIM Update (Jan. 2019):

If you weren’t able to join our first quarterly meeting webinar, or would like to experience it again, click on “play recording” below. The  PowerPoint slides are included with the recording.

Ohio Collaborative to Prevent Infant Mortality Quarterly Meeting

Friday, January 25, 2019

12:22 pm  |  Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)

Play recording (1 hr 51 min)

Recording password: Ud9tEFJc

About the Ohio Collaborative to Prevent Infant Mortality (OCPIM)

It’s all about the name of our organization: OCPIM.

  • IM stands for infant mortality. Our “north star” is infant mortality. We must always consider any intervention, policy or community engagement activity through that filter.
  • P stands for prevention. We want to eliminate infant mortality. Why “eliminate?” Because no death is acceptable. An aspirational goal is important for all of us.
  • C stands for collaborative. We are a collaborative. OCPIM members represent stakeholder organizations that embrace the elimination of infant mortality as an important strategic goal. We seek to learn from each other to eliminate infant mortality.
  • O stands for Ohio. The geography that defines our key outcomes is the State of Ohio. Our successes and our challenges are defined by state-wide outcomes.

Our Vision

Working together to eliminate infant mortality in Ohio.

Our Mission

To eliminate preventable infant mortality and improve the health of all women of childbearing years throughout the state of Ohio through sharing of data, best practices, community engagement, and advocacy.

Our Purpose

As a statewide partnership, OCPIM will function as a platform for community engagement, exchange of best practices, data management, and advocacy. Success will be defined by the important infant health outcomes, driving infant mortality reduction, including extreme preterm birth, sleep-related infant death, and congenital malformations.

Who We Are       

Members of OCPIM include stakeholder organizations from throughout Ohio who desire to work together on behalf of a common goal to eliminate infant mortality through interventions based upon available evidence and informed by high-quality data.

Membership recruitment is ongoing we want to seek out diverse partnerships with an emphasis being placed non-traditional community level organizations, that can guide activities through a critical race lens as we work to achieve equity in Ohio’s birth outcomes.

Membership Focus

OCPIM and its members will focus on four organizational activities:

•      Community engagement to support those at most risk to experience the direct consequences of infant death and suboptimal birth outcomes.

•      Exchange of non-traditional interventions and practices designed to improve birth outcomes in Ohio. This includes unsuccessful as well successful practices.

•      Optimization of relevant data collection, analysis, and dissemination among stakeholder organizations.

•      Advocate for legislation and policies that optimize women’s health, improve birth outcomes, and eliminate preventable infant mortality.

Ohio Collaborative to Prevent Infant Mortality 2.0

OCPIM will continue to build upon established collaborations through recruitment and engagement strategies.

•      This work will continue to elevate the work of all OCPIM members and identify opportunities for synergy and spread.

•      OCPIM advocacy work will be based upon data-driven, evidence-based principles that reflect a commitment to equity and social justice in communities across Ohio.

•      OCPIM will work to access timely, transparent, consistent data to evaluate our progress.

Two co-leaders will be assigned to each region. Click here to see the OCPIM Regionalization map. (More information to come