Our Vision

Working together to eliminate infant mortality in Ohio.

Our Mission

To eliminate preventable infant mortality and improve the health of all women of childbearing years throughout the state of Ohio through sharing of data, best practices, community engagement, and advocacy.

Our Purpose

As a statewide partnership, OCPIM will function as a platform for community engagement, exchange of best practices, data management, and advocacy. Success will be defined by the important infant health outcomes, driving infant mortality reduction, including extreme preterm birth, sleep-related infant death, and congenital malformations.

Who We Are       

Members of OCPIM include stakeholder organizations from throughout Ohio who desire to work together on behalf of a common goal to eliminate infant mortality through interventions based upon available evidence and informed by high-quality data.

Membership recruitment is ongoing we want to seek out diverse partnerships with an emphasis being placed non-traditional community level organizations, that can guide activities through a critical race lens as we work to achieve equity in Ohio’s birth outcomes.

Membership Focus

OCPIM and its members will focus on four organizational activities:

•      Community engagement to support those at most risk to experience the direct consequences of infant death and suboptimal birth outcomes.

•      Exchange of non-traditional interventions and practices designed to improve birth outcomes in Ohio. This includes unsuccessful as well successful practices.

•      Optimization of relevant data collection, analysis, and dissemination among stakeholder organizations.

•      Advocate for legislation and policies that optimize women’s health, improve birth outcomes, and eliminate preventable infant mortality.

Ohio Collaborative to Prevent Infant Mortality 2.0

OCPIM will continue to build upon established collaborations through recruitment and engagement strategies.

•      This work will continue to elevate the work of all OCPIM members and identify opportunities for synergy and spread.

•      OCPIM advocacy work will be based upon data-driven, evidence-based principles that reflect a commitment to equity and social justice in communities across Ohio.

•      OCPIM will work to access timely, transparent, consistent data to evaluate our progress.