Listen Now to our June Lunch & Learn Sessions

Community Capacity Building: OCPIM’s Lunch and Learn

June 8th, 2023 

Noon to 1:00 pm

Community capacity-building is an important first step toward working to improve Ohio’s birth outcomes. Join us as we explore how we can leverage human, organizational, and social capital as we work to develop and strengthen skills, instincts, abilities, and resources. Operating through informal processes or as an organized entity collectively, we can help Ohio’s babies survive and thrive

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Maternal Health Crisis in America: A Father’s Perspective

June 15, 2023

Noon to 1:30 pm

Join in discussion with Mr. Kenn Harris and Mr. Omari Maynard, one of the fathers featured in Hulu’s documentary “Aftershock.” Mr. Maynard’s partner, Shamony Gibson, passed away two weeks after giving birth by C-section in 2019. Mr. Maynard has stated, “As a community, what we can do is get together … and share our experiences. If we don’t talk, if we don’t communicate, then what ends up happening is that it’s like it’s never happened.”

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Community Leadership Driving Social Change: OCPIM’s Lunch and Learn

June 22, 2023

Noon to 1:00 pm

Join us to discuss the importance of community leadership, focusing on community capacity development. Community leadership enables members of the community to champion initiatives according to their shared vision and purpose.  These leaders help to facilitate community agents, navigate power dynamics, and foster community capacity resulting in positive community improvement. 

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